Hello World!
My name is Matthew and I am a programmer with a passion for math and finance: holding a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, I am currently enrolled at the department of Mathematics of the University of Padua, pursuing an MSc in Computational Finance.
My academic focus includes numerical methods and mathematical programming, particularly in stochastic optimization and portfolio management. Additionally, I maintain a keen interest in cryptanalysis and since the beginning of my studies I have been passionate about programming languages and compiler construction.
Full configuration for a personal Debian development environmentQINT
Dynamic collection of useful resources for quant interviews and LeetCode problemsTOODY
Variability detector web application written for my BSc thesisWORDLE
Java implementation of the game Wordle from the New York TimesASTEROIDS
Javascript implementation of the popular game AsteroidsCOMPUTABILITY
Failed attempt to write comprehensive notes on the theory of computabilityWIENER
An article on the RSA cryptosystem and the attack M.J. Wiener proposed in 1990FUNINT
Ocaml interpreter for a toy language with static scoping and dynamic type checkingGRAPH
Java undirected graph implementation of homogeneous generic objectsMEMBOX
Concurrent C server of a virtual repository hosting non null sequences of bytesSPARSE
C library that allows to handle sparce matricesDMENU
Suckless dynamic menu for X11, written in C and properly patchedSLOCK
Suckless screen locker for X11, written in C and properly patchedST
Suckless simple terminal emulator for X11, written in C and properly patchedCV